Contending for the Faith in Moscow, Idaho

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Doug Wilson Says Read My Theology Book with a ‘Willing Suspension of Disbelief’ Because ‘Wouldn’t It Be Glorious if This Really Were True?’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“So here is my this little book as though it were a work of fiction. Just for a short while, I am asking for that willing suspension of disbelief. And if that request is granted, then I believe that a striking feature of this kind of historical optimism will become plain. Every Christian can agree on one thing at least\. Wouldn’t it be glorious if this really were true?” — Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says If ‘Jesus was White' and the Canaanite Woman was ‘Black,’ He Would Have Said ‘It's Not Right’ ‘to Give Perfectly Good White Folk Food to ‘N****rs’’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“Put in terms that we might be more familiar with, Jesus was white, and the disciples were white, and this black woman comes up seeking healing for her daughter. She gets ignored. The disciples ask Jesus to send her off. She comes up and beseeches Christ for healing. It's not right, He says, to give perfectly good white folk food to ‘n****rs.’” — Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says ‘I Have Decided’ to ‘Discontinue Identifying Myself’ with ‘Federal Vision,’ but I Still ‘Affirm Everything I Signed Off on in the Federal Vision Statement’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“I have decided, after mulling over it for some years now, to discontinue identifying myself with what has come to be called the federal vision....This statement represents a change in what I will call what I believe. It does not represent any substantial shift or sea change in the content of what I believe....I would still want [sic] affirm everything I signed off on in the Federal Vision statement.” — Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says Your Future Husband Should Be ‘Aggressive Enough, and Well-Endowed Enough, to Satisfy You Sexually’

| Opinion by Christiana Wells
“He should be aggressive enough, and well-endowed enough, to satisfy you sexually.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says ‘Wives Need to be Led with a Firm Hand’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“...wives need to be led with a firm hand. A wife will often test her husband in some area, and be deeply disappointed (and frustrated) if she wins. It is crucial that a husband give to his wife what the Bible says she needs, rather than what she says she needs.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says We ‘Were Declared to be Heretics’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“On June 22, 2002...the four of us were declared to be heretics.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says ‘Men Fall Away Because Their Salvation Was Contingent Upon Continued Faithfulness in the Gospel’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“ fall away because their salvation was contingent upon continued faithfulness in the gospel...” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says a Man ‘Conquers’ a Woman Through the ‘Sexual Act’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“In other words, however we try, the sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts....True authority and true submission are therefore an erotic necessity.” – Doug Wilson

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