Contending for the Faith in Moscow, Idaho

Image for just-a-couple-of-c-word

“This is what they are saying. They are shamelessly declaring to the world that they are just a couple of c***s.”1 — Doug Wilson (note: asterisks added; the original quote does not redact the c-word)

Want More Context?

Here are some links to other blogs and podcasts dealing with this and other issues in more depth:

Denny Berk wrote an excellent article refuting Doug’s perspective on the use of offensive langauge - read here



  1. Doug tried to remove culpability from his use of the word by writing in the same article: “That is not my position, nor my language. It is their position, their language, their degradation, their impurity, their sin, their shame, their logic, and their wormhole destination.” But the problem is he put the word in their mouth, it is not a quote, and so is therefore his word.

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