Contending for the Faith in Moscow, Idaho

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“In this Calvinistic sense, baptism offers a twofold grace: forgiveness of sins and regeneration. In this limited sense, we can say that Calvin held to baptismal regeneration. But he also believed in the effectual call, and he knew (being a good Calvinist, perhaps even the best) that this effectual call could precede or follow the moment of baptism.”1 – Doug Wilson

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  1. Douglas Wilson, “Reformed” is Not Enough, 2nd ed., Canon Press, 2010, loc. 459, Kindle Edition. But Doug’s use of Calvin in this way has been condemned by others: “Calvin, Zwingli, Bucer, Capito, Turretin, Vermigli, Ames, Sibbes, Goodwin, Owen, Manton, Hodge, Warfield, and most of the Reformed orthodoxy up and until the Enlightenment believed that the infants of believers were already adopted by God before baptism, and that the parent, in faith of presuming upon God’s promise and command, baptized the child. That did not mean the child was infallibly saved, but that the parent presumed that God’s promises applied to the child. This position for the bulk of the magisterial Reformers, Puritans and framers of the Westminster Confession of Faith is not hard to prove. However, Wilson goes beyond this. For Wilson there is a great amount of redefinition and addition to the Reformers, Puritans and the Westminster Confession of Faith than any of them intended. And none of them, no matter how subtly Wilson attempts to ‘back up’ his information with the Westminster Confession of Faith, believed the same theological formulations as Wilson, or any of the Auburn Four.” – Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

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