Contending for the Faith in Moscow, Idaho

Posts Tagged "Husband"

Doug Wilson Says ‘Paul Says That Women Who Turn Aside After Satan Are Women Who Avoid Marriage, Avoid Having Babies, And Who Avoid The Domestic Arts.’

| Opinion by Christiana Wells
“And Paul says that women who turn aside after Satan are women who avoid marriage, avoid having babies, and who avoid the domestic arts. That’s how women turn aside after Satan. And all God’s people said yikes.” — Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says Your Future Husband Should Be ‘Aggressive Enough, and Well-Endowed Enough, to Satisfy You Sexually’

| Opinion by Christiana Wells
“He should be aggressive enough, and well-endowed enough, to satisfy you sexually.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says ‘Wives Need to be Led with a Firm Hand’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“...wives need to be led with a firm hand. A wife will often test her husband in some area, and be deeply disappointed (and frustrated) if she wins. It is crucial that a husband give to his wife what the Bible says she needs, rather than what she says she needs.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says If Your Wife ‘Continues to Rebel’ by Not Doing the ‘Dishes,’ ‘Call the Elders’ for a ‘Pastoral Visit’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“What course should a man pursue?....he should require something very simple, i.e., that the dishes be done after every meal before anything else is done....If she continues to rebel after patient effort, he should at some point call the elders of the church and ask them for a pastoral visit.” — Doug Wilson

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