Contending for the Faith in Moscow, Idaho

Posts Tagged "Vice"

Doug Wilson Says Publicly Sympathize With ‘That Vice Article’ About Us and You’re ‘Disqualified’

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“Every Christian leader, pastor, board member, writer, thought-influencer, or teacher who read that Vice article and then publicly voiced their solidarity or sympathy with it—in any way, shape, or form—has disqualified themselves. They are DQed, flat out. They need to step down.” – Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson Says If You Make ‘Venomous’ Comments About Me and ‘Don’t Repent’ You’re Going to Hell

| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“You need to repent of all the venomous comments you made over the last week, directed at us, and there were quite a few of them. If you don’t repent, you are lost forever. Revilers will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” — Doug Wilson

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