What does Doug Wilson say?
Living here in Moscow, ID, his followers often respond, “What does Doug say?” when we voice concerns about this controversial local pastor. We’ve created this blog to answer that question and reveal that he is far from the biblical teacher some purport him to be.
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Doug Wilson Says ‘Paedocommunion Consistently Expresses Christ’s Purposes In Giving Us the Sacraments’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“...an infant....participated in the sacrament in utero for nine months, and continues to participate at that same level until he is weaned. So in our congregation, the time between such organic participation and individual participation is very short, and corresponds to a similar transition on the physical level between milk and solids. So I don’t see such a child being excluded from anything.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘The HIV Virus Is Harmless’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“If by AIDS you mean that the HIV virus is present in your body, then I would refer you to the book Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg. It is quite possible that your situation does not warrant abstention from sex at all—but only because the HIV virus is harmless.” – Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘Small-Breasted Biddies,’ ‘The B**bs of a Wet Nurse,’ ‘Jiggling Your B**bs,’ ‘Attractive Bimbo Queens,’ ‘A Couple of Big B**bs,’ ‘Make Her T*ts Bigger,’ ‘As Stacked as Dolly Parton After Her New Implants,’ ‘Pert French Breasts’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“What am I doing here?...in the society we actually have…our arbiters of approved speech insist that they be the only ones allowed to shock, and that we be the ones to be dutifully shocked. In response to this proposed arrangement, I cheerfully refuse. I refuse to accept their authority in any of this, and I fully intend to make sure that they get an opportunity to eat their own cooking.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘Paul Says That Women Who Turn Aside After Satan Are Women Who Avoid Marriage, Avoid Having Babies, And Who Avoid The Domestic Arts.’
| Opinion by Christiana Wells
“And Paul says that women who turn aside after Satan are women who avoid marriage, avoid having babies, and who avoid the domestic arts. That’s how women turn aside after Satan. And all God’s people said yikes.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘Children of Obedient Believers Will Become Believers.’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“Now many children of believing parents do not become believers themselves. At the same time, children of obedient believers will become believers. ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it’ (Prov. 22:6). The sovereign God uses means to accomplish His purposes in election, and His appointed and revealed means for the conversion of covenant children is obedient parents–not elect parents who are disobedient in how they bring up children.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘To Prevail in Conflict is Not Possible Without Deception’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“To prevail in conflict is not possible without deception\. Where you are weak, he should think you are strong. Where you are strong, he should believe you are weak.” – Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says the N-word, C-word, S-word, B-word, and A-word Because ‘Godly Obscenity Exists’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“My point is simply to show that godly obscenity exists. Certain subjects are not automatically off-limits. Of course, we are not protected by divine inspiration, as the apostles and prophets were, and so we fall short of biblical standards in many ways—and especially in an area like this, where we have so little practice and so few godly examples. However, we must become more puritanical and less Victorian—more ethical and open, and less sanctimonious and hypocritical.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says If ‘Jesus was White' and the Canaanite Woman was ‘Black,’ He Would Have Said ‘It's Not Right’ ‘to Give Perfectly Good White Folk Food to ‘N****rs’’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“Put in terms that we might be more familiar with, Jesus was white, and the disciples were white, and this black woman comes up seeking healing for her daughter. She gets ignored. The disciples ask Jesus to send her off. She comes up and beseeches Christ for healing. It's not right, He says, to give perfectly good white folk food to ‘n****rs.’” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘I Have Decided’ to ‘Discontinue Identifying Myself’ with ‘Federal Vision,’ but I Still ‘Affirm Everything I Signed Off on in the Federal Vision Statement’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“I have decided, after mulling over it for some years now, to discontinue identifying myself with what has come to be called the federal vision....This statement represents a change in what I will call what I believe. It does not represent any substantial shift or sea change in the content of what I believe....I would still want [sic] affirm everything I signed off on in the Federal Vision statement.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says We ‘Were Declared to be Heretics’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“On June 22, 2002...the four of us were declared to be heretics.” – Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says a Man ‘Conquers’ a Woman Through the ‘Sexual Act’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“In other words, however we try, the sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts....True authority and true submission are therefore an erotic necessity.” – Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says ‘Promises are Apprehended by Faith’ and Also by ‘Works’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“I have argued that promises are apprehended by faith, not faithfulness or fidelity, but, of course, faith in the biblical sense is inseparable from faithfulness. Faith is invisible to the human eye, but faith’s constant companion—faithfulness—is not invisible. Nevertheless, it is faith that receives the promises, overthrows kingdoms, and stops the mouths of lions. If we adopt the shorthand of James, we could say that faithfulness (works) does these things also, but we would be using his shorthand.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says Publicly Sympathize With ‘That Vice Article’ About Us and You’re ‘Disqualified’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“Every Christian leader, pastor, board member, writer, thought-influencer, or teacher who read that Vice article and then publicly voiced their solidarity or sympathy with it—in any way, shape, or form—has disqualified themselves. They are DQed, flat out. They need to step down.” – Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says If Your Wife ‘Continues to Rebel’ by Not Doing the ‘Dishes,’ ‘Call the Elders’ for a ‘Pastoral Visit’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“What course should a man pursue?....he should require something very simple, i.e., that the dishes be done after every meal before anything else is done....If she continues to rebel after patient effort, he should at some point call the elders of the church and ask them for a pastoral visit.” — Doug Wilson
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Doug Wilson Says If You Make ‘Venomous’ Comments About Me and ‘Don’t Repent’ ‘You Are Lost Forever’
| Opinion by Nathan Wells
“You need to repent of all the venomous comments you made over the last week, directed at us, and there were quite a few of them. If you don’t repent, you are lost forever. Revilers will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” — Doug Wilson
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